How to buy a Bitsy Doll

Coming soon (Fall / Winter 2023)


Our Bitsy mini dolls are currently getting ready to debut their teeny world! There is much work to be done still but we are excited to show everyone what we have been up to the past year. 

Our hope is to be able to provide Bitsy Dolls to more folks and in more of a timely manner than before. 

As of now, we are hoping for a Fall / Winter launch and every Bitsy is getting their finishing touches as we speak! 

You can stay informed on our upcoming shop launch by signing up for our monthly newsletter. Our newsletter is full of DIY's, small world play tips and of course, Bitsy World News and updates. 




If you just can't wait and need a Bitsy now, then you really should join our TOP SECRET Group. 

It's invite only though so be sure to read below to find out how to snag your invitation! 



The Bitsy World Underground 


" Deep below Bitsy World, where nobody goes, there lies a whole Bitsy Village that only CHOSEN ones know......" 

Our underground group is: 



Only people who REALLY want to be in this secret world will get in. 

What goes on in this "underground' world? Well, I'm glad you asked! This top secret group is THE place if you want to find: 

- Monthly Giveaways 

- Micro Drops BEFORE our official shop/website goes live 

-First dibs 

-Misfit Adoptions 

-Input on upcoming collections 

-A place of connection and fun! 

If this sounds like a world you want to be a part of, all you have to do is click the invitation below and you will be ushered into our fun filled secret group! We do so hope you join us! 

Please remember though, this is TOP SECRET ;)